An Introduction to Delegates in C#: Method Signatures, Function Pointers, and Use Cases

Delegates in C# are types that define a method signature. They allow methods to be passed as arguments to other methods or to be assigned to variables. Delegates can be used for event handling, callback functions, and multi-casting of methods invocation. A delegate in C# is similar to a function pointer in C or C++.

But what are the common use cases for delegates?

Event handling

Delegates are often used to handle events in C#. For example, when a button is clicked, an event is raised and the event handler, which is a delegate, is invoked. This allows the developer to separate the event-handling logic from the code that raises the event.


class Button
    public event EventHandler Click;

    public void OnClick()
        Click?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

class Form
    private Button addEmployeeBtn;

    public Form()
        addEmployeeBtn = new Button();
        addEmployeeBtn.Click += AddEmployeeBtn_Click;

    private void AddEmployeeBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("Add Employee Button was clicked!");

In the example above example, the Click event of the Button class is defined using the EventHandler delegate. The Form class subscribes to the event using the += operator, which adds the AddEmployeeBtn_Click method as an event handler. When the button is clicked, the OnClick method of the Button class is called, which raises the Click event and invokes the event handlers, in this case, the AddEmployeeBtn_Click method.

Callback functions

Delegates can also be used as callback functions, which allows a method to be passed as an argument to another method. This is very useful when a method needs to be invoked at a later time or when a certain condition is met. It can be used for example to do some async tasks and then call a callback function on completion.


delegate void MyCallback();

class Student
    public void AddStudent(MyCallback callback)
        // Do some work here

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Student student = new Student();

    static void Callback()
        Console.WriteLine("Callback method called invoked!");

In this example, the AddStudent method of the Student class takes a MyCallback delegate as an argument. The Callback method in the Program class matches the signature of the MyCallback delegate, so it can be passed as an argument to the AddStudent method. When the AddStudent method is finished, it invokes the callback delegate, which in this case calls the Callback method.

The result would be:

Callback function example result

A delegate can hold a reference to multiple methods, and when the delegate is invoked, all the methods are called one after another. This is called multi-casting of delegate and allows multiple methods to be called with a single delegate invocation. This can be used for example for logging or for notifying multiple listeners about a certain event.


using System;

delegate void MyDelegate();

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        MyDelegate del = SendWelcomeEmail;
        del += SendBenefitsEmail;
        del += SendPromotionEmail;


    static void SendWelcomeEmail()
        Console.WriteLine("Welcome to our site!");

    static void SendBenefitsEmail()
        Console.WriteLine("Benefits of our site!");

    static void SendPromotionEmail()
        Console.WriteLine("Promotion codes just for you!");

In this example, the MyDelegate delegate is defined to take no arguments and return void. The SendWelcomeEmail, SendBenefitsEmail, and SendPromotionEmail methods match this signature, so they can be assigned to a variable of the MyDelegate type.

The del variable is first assigned the SendWelcomeEmailmethod, and then later it is reassigned the SendBenefitsEmail and SendPromotionEmail methods using the += operator. When the delegate is invoked ( del() – by calling it like a method, with parentheses), it invokes all the methods that it currently references in order.

The result would be:

Multi-casting example result

These are just a few examples of the many use cases for delegates in programming. They are versatile features that can be used in a wide range of scenarios to improve code organization and flexibility.

29. C# - Delegates

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